Thursday, September 13, 2012

What I learned from Ghostbusters

Ghostbusters (1984)

1.  No human would ever stack books like that.  But a dead librarian just may...

2.  The magic word is "Please." It's the gateway to proper manners.

3.  There is a HUGE difference between Summarian Gods and Babylonian Gods.  But I'm still not sure what those differences are exactly.

4.  Peter Venkman is not the kind of guy you want to date.  He carries around 300cc of Thorazine for those "just in case moments."

5.  When someone asks you if you're a God, you say "YES!"  I really didn't think Winston needed to iterate this point...isn't that a given?

6.  Don't cross the streams.  Unless it's nearing the end of the movie...

Great 80's blockbuster.  This remains one of my fondest memories as a kid.  Quotable, fun, and supernatural!

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