Thursday, September 13, 2012

What I learned from Raiders

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

1.  An iconic character is defined by the first moments on screen.  And what an amazing opening sequence this movie delivered!  Mystery, confidence, intrigue, the fedora, giant spiders, whips, little gold statue, rampaging boulder, hostile natives, run for your life! 

2.  There will always be someone else trying to piggyback off your success.  "Thanks for doing all the hard I'll take that golden statue."  It's bound to happen, but in the long run it usually doesn't work out for them...

3. Your best work stems from your passion.  The fact our hero is an ancient relic adventurer and a college anthropology professor shows a true passion for what he does.  His motives weren't driven by the price an item can fetch.  It was the thrill of discovery!  It was the wonders of history.  When we can correlate between what we are passionate about and the work we do, we'll find the best results!

4. It's good to have international friends!  Not only does it give you a diverse and broad perspective of the world, but it also opens up travel accommodations!

5.  Sometimes there are easier solutions to solve conflict than engaging in a fight.  For example, bring a gun to a sword fight!

6. Snakes are EVIL.  I hate snakes.  No I'm not quoting the movie, I'm sympathizing with the character.  Seriously, what else could survive in sealed tomb for thousands of years?
7.  If you seek great power, you must respect great power.  Lest you be melted by it...

8.  Our nation's critical assets are being guarded by "Top Men."  Who?  Top...Men...

As a kid, this movie had everything I wanted.  Fighting, adventure, ancient objects, Wrath of God - but at its core, there was a hero you could root for who took you on a fun ride that was memorable every step of the way. 

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